Monday, June 26, 2023

Weekly Hand Analysis - Mark Olsky - July 3, 2023 - 1 NT Overcall


South has 15 HCP and overcalls 1NT.  North passes and they go down 3.  Should South have overcalled 1H first and then went to NT? 


It's a bit of an unlucky hand for NS. The magic spot of 2 clubs is very difficult to reach.I don't think my partner and I could have done it. I think the 1NT overcall is a bit pushy, given 3 queens without good intermediates behind them. Still, not much else fits and it does seem a bit strong to just pass. If S passes, W bids 1 spade and E bids 1NT or 2 diamonds, ending the auction. Both contracts should make.

  Something must have gone awry in the play. 1NT by S should go down only 1, which is not a bad result at that vulnerability. S should take 4 clubs, a heart and a diamond. If spades are led at trick 1, S might even sneak home with 7 tricks. It does take concentration to keep suits guarded when E takes 4 diamonds after S gets the Q. If E is sneaky and takes the first diamond and then leads the jack, S may panic and play low, but that's giving yourself no chance at all. It's scary to play the queen. Kudos to East if that was the defense.

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