Sunday, July 2, 2023

Weekly Hand Analysis - Mark Olsky - July 17, 2023 - Bid



S is holding 7D and 21 HCP, could this hand be opened 2C counting extra points for length in D?


The South hand is strong enough to open 2 clubs comfortably. N is likely to respond 2 spades, showing a good suit and good values. South and north were both too passive in this auction. If you open 1 diamond with the South hand, you should be aware you made an extremely cautious bid. As soon as North is able to bid 1 spade it seems overwhelmingly likely you can take at least 9 tricks at NT. (7 diamonds and at least 2 hearts with a heart lead, 1 club and a heart with a club lead and in this case 3 spades for a total of 12 tricks. From the South position, you can make 6 NT or 6 diamonds, but it takes good guessing after a spade lead and you could go down with an unlucky guess. The jump to 3 diamonds shows extra values, but is not forcing, so you must do something else. If you bid 3NT, you'll probably get a good board, even though you miss a makeable slam.

  Having said that, South should have gotten away with not bidding strongly enough. After the 3 diamond jump North has enough to show the second suit of 5 hearts. Now South can regain the momentum and bid game or slam. Both partners were much too cautious. Bridge is a bold bidder's game.

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