Sunday, July 2, 2023

Weekly Hand Analysis - Mark Olsky - July 10, 2023 - Slam

Question:  Did East bid this slam correctly?


Yes! If anything, that, kind of conservative. Some people would be tempted to find out if W has the A of hearts, even though it's extremely unlikely. Top experts use a convention known as Exclusion Blackwood. You bid 5 Diamonds to ask partner to show aces outside the diamond suit. If they show 1, obviously it's the A of hearts and you bid 7 spades and claim. Even with experts, that bid is an accident in the making. You would find yourself playing 5 diamonds going down a bundle. As it is, E got doubled in an ice cold slam. You don't want to be greedy and redouble. If the opponents believe you and take a non- vulnerable save at the 7 level, you won't even get the value of a vulnerable game. I think a direct 6 spade bid is simple and perfect.

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