Monday, July 10, 2023

Weekly Hand Analysis - Mark Olsky - July 24, 2023 - Overcall



N has opened 1D and E has made a weak 2 overcall. What should S do?


There are 3 options that would all get multiple votes in a bidding contest: Pass, 3 clubs and Dbl (negative). All three options have flaws. Some would say the hand isn't strong enough to make a forcing bid of 3 clubs (And it is absolutely forcing). Some would say a negative double is unacceptable without having 4 of the other major. Some would say that pass is too wimpy. I agree with all of those complaints, but one of the 3 actions must be chosen. My own choice is 3 clubs. As it happens, North has an easy decision to raise to 4 clubs. Some would jump to 5, but that's pretty aggressive with a nice but aceless hand.  I would pass 4 clubs as South, being very much at the bottom of my range for having bid 3 clubs. Of course, seeing all 4 hands I can see that 5 clubs is unbeatable if played correctly. It requires expert level play to make 5, so 4 clubs making 4 should be a very good board. Meanwhile, E-W can make 3 spades and should have no trouble bidding it. W can be forgiven for jumping to 4 spades, which has a slight chance of success with a N-S mistake. Down 1 for -50 should be an OK duplicate score.

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