Monday, September 4, 2023

Weekly Hand Analysis - Glenna Shannahan - September 11, 2023 - Passed Take out Double


Question:  When West doubles and East passes the take out double, South is left in a peculiar position because South's first bid indicates points without a stopper in diamonds.  Is there a different overcall that should have been used to put South in a better position if East passed the take out double?


There is a wealth of information here to clear up meaning of doubles and when partner must or must now bid! 1st of all: When W bids and S overcalls a NT, S is still showing just 3 suits stopped BUT one of the 3 must be opener’s suit so ♣️ are stopped but no one knows which suit is not stopped.

  W’s double of 1NT is a negative double—W has everything but ♣️ and hopes that E bids a 2nd suit. E should NEVER pass. Also, South’s 1st bid does NOT deny ♦️ to be stopped, it just shows 3 suits stopped.

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