Monday, September 4, 2023

Weekly Hand Analysis - Vic Johnson - September 11, 2023 - Going for Game


Question: Based on the bidding, the hands are similar in High Card Points (HCP).  They are also similar in strength while E/W is strong in hearts and N/S are strong in spades.  Should North or South chance 4 Spades based on their HCP and vulnerability or was their pass the correct bid?


Answer: Pass is not a "bid". It is, however, the correct "call". 

Neither side has enough points for game. Neither side should bid game. Neither side deserves to make game.  

NS deserve to take 8 tricks in spades. EW (thanks to a very fortunate defender trump split) deserve to take 9 tricks in hearts. 

East should open 2H. A Weak Two bid describes their hand much better. Opening 1H not only oversells the strength of their hand, but fails to tell partner they have six hearts.  If South overcalls 2S (I would suggest they should), West should compete to 3H. If North subsequently chooses to compete to 3S, that is where the auction should end. 

Ain't bridge a great game?

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