Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Weekly Hand Analysis - Glenna Shannahan - October 2, 2023- NT or Minor?

Question: Does North jumping to 3 clubs imply South should go to 3NT?


 Sometimes people make too many bids!! They bid everything they can and often it puts you in the wrong spot. After N bids 1 ♥️, I think S should bid 1 NT!  Show what you have and bid 1 NT so that the lead comes into you!! N doesn’t have  good bid after a 1 ♠️ bid. But clearly doesn’t have enough points for a jump—6-10 points is a weak hand  and not a hand to invite for partner to bid more.  

The best advice I can give: As Responder bid low as possible with 6-10. Invite with 11 or 12 and make sure you get to game when you have an opening hand opposite an opening hand.

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