Monday, September 18, 2023

Weekly Hand Analysis - Mark Olsky - September 25, 2023 - Switching to 3NT

 Question: This hand went down 2 in 3NT.  How does one know to stay out of NT when bidding game?


Interesting hand! N-S have a combined 23 HCP and a misfit, so it was pretty aggressive to get to game. However, because of key intermediate cards, 10s, 9s and even a key 8, on almost any foreseeable defense, 3NT can be made if S manages entries carefully. 

My guess is that declarer used a precious dummy entry to take the diamond finesse. That would be a critical mistake, giving the defenders a chance to prevent the South hand from cashing diamond tricks after the diamonds are cashed. To be sure, it's an intermediate+ play challenge. As soon as S gets in after the opening lead, play the ace then Q of diamonds, then lead the heart J and overtake with the Q. If W ducks, S takes 4 diamonds and can lead any of the remaining suits. At least 9 tricks will result. If W grabs the first round of hearts, 9 tricks are easy and E-W have to take all 4 tricks before 1 of them goes to sleep.

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