Sunday, March 7, 2021

Rules to Play Competitively with a new player in BBO


  1. BBO and ACBL are in control of accepted rosters. 
  2. To play in a virtual game write the Director 15 minutes before game time and give the director your username and the new partner’s user name who you want to partner with. 
  3.  The director will go to his own friends list and enter both usernames on to his friends list.  While the director is entering you and your partners user names on the directors friends list you should log off of BBO.  Wait for at least 5 to 7 minutes.
  4. After waiting off line for 5 to 7 minutes, you and your partner will then log in and try to register. 
  5. Should your registration fail, then write the director immediately and let the Director know access to the game is still being denied.
  6. The director will have to delay the beginning of the game to find the time to recheck the friends list.
  7. If you are on the friends list and the registration is remains denied I would be questioning Master Point limits for either of you.
  8. If there is no master point problems then I would ask each of you to register as a sub and allow the game to begin with filling a half table or making a half table with you and your partner and then finishing the table with robots. 

Once you have played in two virtual games, BBO and ACBL continue to increase accepted players to virtual club lists and there should not be problems following successfully having played in two Bridge Club of Madison games.

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