Friday, March 19, 2021

Weekly Hand Analysis - Vic Johnson - March 22, 2021 -N/S Slam Bidding



Here is a reasonable auction (South is Opener - EW are passing). 

1S:  five spades & 13-21 points 

2D:  five diamonds & 11+ points (forcing) 

3C:  two suited (probably 5-5 or 5-4) & 13-14 points 

4NT:  standard Blackwood 

5D:  one Ace 

6C: Looks to me like it deserves to make 7C. 

Note: Some might take a chance on 6NT, but that is very risky with only one heart stopper. Turns out the one heart stopper is enough if spades split 3-3, but they do not. Looks to me like 6NT does not deserve to make.




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