Friday, March 26, 2021

Weekly Hand Analysis - Glenna Shannahan - March 29, 2021 -4 Clubs or 3 No Trump


Question: Do you ever preclude a minor bid to go to 3NT?


  NOT sometimes—ALWAYS. In our efforts to find the best contract, we look for a Major Suit 1st, NT second, and ONLY if nothing else can work, we choose a minor suit contract, So the correct bid on this hand was 3 ♣️ , not 4 ♣️ because that is beyond 3NT. A 3 ♣️ bid would show 16-18 and partner can bid 3 NT. It might make more sense to you if you thought about the scores. 3NT making 5 is 460 or 660, 5 ♣️ making 5 is 400 or 600 and require MORE tricks. 3NT is 9 tricks, but 5 of a minor is 11 tricks—so more tricks for fewer points or more points for fewer tricks. 

  I hope this helps. Take the time to look for your best spot and keep these steps in mind: 4 of a Major, 3NT and then only 5 of a minor. Now if you have a great minor suit fit, and both of you have opening hands, 6 of a minor is better than 3NT. Often, people play 3NT when there is a minor suit slam—difficult to reach for most of us.


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