Friday, March 12, 2021

Weekly Hand Analysis - Vic Johnson - March 15, 2021 - 3NT or 5D?


Question: Is there an unspoken rule to forget a minor game and go for a NT game at a certain portion of the bidding?


There are 3 suits in bridge. They are: Spades - Hearts - No Trump. 

Clubs are for the golf course. Diamonds are for your finger. 

So yes, there is an unspoken rule to forget a minor game and go for a NT game. That rule goes into effect on EVERY deal BEFORE the bidding even starts. You should settle for diamond or club contracts ONLY if there is no alternative. This is especially true for contracts at game level or higher. 

The bidding shown above is flawed. In modern day bridge opening suit bids at two level or higher show WEAK HANDS (less than a standard opening point count). The North hand is NOT weak. I would evaluate North as a 14 point hand (11 HCP + 3 length points). With 2 quick tricks & only 6 losers it is a STRONG 14 point hand. North should open 1C which would leave ample bidding space for NS to find a no trump contract. Exactly how that might happen depends on whether East overcalls 1D or not (I would not - too weak). 

The actual opening bid of 3C advertises a hand that is unlikely to hold any outside Aces or Kings. It also uses up so much bidding space that if South does decide to go on they need to hope it is their lucky day & EITHER bid 3NT (crossing their fingers North has a spade stopper) OR bid 5C (hoping North has a spade singleton or void). I call that Slot Machine Bridge. 

Looks to me like North/South are cold for 6NT. If the opening lead is anything other than diamonds, they are cold for 7NT.

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