Friday, March 26, 2021

Weekly Hand Analysis - Victor Johnson - Choosing Suit after a Take out Double


QuestionHow do you pick the suit to bid after a take out double?  In this hand East could choose  either diamonds or spades.


A great takeout DBL by West. Given that the suit West has doubled is hearts, West has absolutely guaranteed a 4-card spade suit. In a perfect world West would also have 4 diamonds & 4 clubs. But the bridge world is rarely perfect. 

East (Advancer) is normally expected to bid their longest suit (in this case diamonds). But given that East has reason to believe that a golden fit in spades is guaranteed, I would expect East to opt for spades. Since East has at least 10 HCPs, they should also jump. East should bid 4S which West should Pass. 

Ain't bridge a great game?

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