Thursday, February 3, 2022

Weekly Hand Analysis - Vic Johnson - February 7, 2022 - 2 NT and not 1NT or something else?


With 19HCPs, should South bid 2NT on their second bid so that their partner knows they have a large hand or is 2NT?  What would happen if there was interference from either East or West?  Would 2NT still be  the bid?


Yes. Given that South opted to bid no trump on their second call, the proper bid would have been 2NT (not 1NT).  

Meaning of 1NT: I do not have 4 hearts (true). I do not have 4 spades (not true). I have a balanced hand (true). My balanced hand was too weak to open 1NT (less than 15 points - not true).  

Meaning of 2NT:  I do not have 4 hearts (true). I do not have 4 spades (not true). I have a balanced hand (true). My balanced hand was too strong to open 1NT & too weak to open 2NT (18-19 points - true). 

Meaning of 2H (above): I have a 6-card heart suit. Hearing that I would expect the 3rd call by North to be 4H (not 2NT). 

Summary: Quite a collection of flawed bids. 

By the Way: If I was holding the South hand, my second call would have been 2S. Playing with one of my regular partners, I expect that would have led to a 4H final contract. But that story is too complicated to get into. 

Play of Hand Analysis: Good defense against 4H can take three diamond tricks before declarer ever gets the lead. Looks to me like a flawless defensive effort subsequent to that will set 4H by one trick. But how often is the defense flawless?


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