Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Weekly Hand Analysis - Glenna Shannahan - February 28, 2022 - Bidding the same suit twice



Question: We have multiple pre-emptive holdings, should W bid over his partner’s H pre-empt ?


  N opens 1 ♦️ and E bids 3 ♥️, S must pass as he has nothing to say. W must also pass because of his ♥️ void: If he had JX, stiff K, 3 small, he would raise to 4 ♥️. Because he has a void, he should pass.  

Now this is the interesting part: North MUST bid 3 ♠️ and not ♦️again!!! A very common theme for less experienced players is to show the same values over and over. North has shown ♦️ by opening 1 ♦️ and now must bid 3 ♠️. Partner will know she has 5 or more ♦️ and probably 4 ♠️.  Once E has preempted, he cannot (should not) bid again. S can now bid 4 ♠️ and the hand is finished!

  The important thread here is: Do not rebid same values a 2nd time. Partner heard you the 1st time and knows you opened 1 ♦️ so now show your 6-5 or 6-4 hand by bidding ♠️! I see people open a 5-card and when in doubt, rebids it!  NO!!!! Do NOT show the same thing twice—bid 1 NT, 2 of a minor or PASS. 

  Before you rebid a suit, make sure you don’t have a 2nd suit to show or to bid NT—never allow yourself to bid the same suit a 2nd time—it would be better to pass than to repeat!



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