Wednesday, March 2, 2022

Weekly Hand Analysis - Glenna Shannahan - March 7, 2022 - A gamble or not so much



W has 19 HCP, 6 diamonds and a void in Clubs. Opens 1 D with the thought of doing a jump shift into H. But…partner only has 5 pts and passes. Is there any way to bid this hand that gets it to slam or is this just a “Ho-Chunk” hand?


  I think a Ho-Chunk bid is a gamble and some bids are truly that. But, this is a case of people not being aware of how we count points today. Because of how we do hand evaluation, when partner opens the bidding, we give value to the honor cards AND we add 1 point for every card over 4 in a suit! So with a 5-card A9765 suit, we have 4 points for the A and 1 point for the 5th ♥️.  The hand with 6 points should respond 1 ♥️ and partner should bid 4 ♥️.  It’s very important for responder know that 4 ♥️ is NOT a shutout bid—it shows a hand that can make game opposite a 6-point hand. So, if responder should happen to have 12 or 13 points, he should look for slam!!! The only shutout bid in bridge is 1NT  P 3NT—no slam here partner!

  Hand evaluation has changed over the years and today we give value to hands that have high cards in the long suits. I will give you an example which also shows the difference between a good 10 pt hand and a bad 10 pt hand or of any hand:

           Good                                                                     Bad


Axxxx  xx.  KQJx  xx                         xxxxx   Ax   Kxx   QJx


               Ok                                                             Not so Great


AKQJTxxxx  x   xx  x                         AKQx     AKQx     AKQx  x    Both hands can take 9 tricks BUT look at the difference in points!!!!


Hope this helps,


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