Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Weekly Hand Analysis - Vic Johnson - April 4, 2022 - Bidding to a slam



The hand made 6C, should W have gone up after E bids the 5C ?  Note: E and W  do not transfer into a minor so the 3 C bid by E indicated 6 C and at least 8 HCP.


West described their hand to partner on their 1st  call (15-17 & balanced). The 3D bid by West on their second call implied 5 - 3 - 3 - 2 distribution (diamonds being the long suit). The fact that knowing partner’s hand East subsequently bid 5C indicates that is where East thinks the contract should be played. So NO, West should not raise to slam. 

Question: Do EW treat the 3C bid as forcing? If not, it is a terrible bid. What a tragic waste of a good hand if East had been passed out in 3C. Forcing or not, I am not aware of anyone who plays the agreement you describe for the meaning of 3C (or 3D) over an opening 1NT. I would encourage EW to revisit that agreement & seek some advice. 

Comment: Holding the East hand my response to an opening 1NT bid by partner would be 6NT. With North on lead 6NT is cold (7NT if North does not lead a heart).

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