Thursday, March 24, 2022

Weekly Hand Analysis - Vic Johnson - March 28, 2022 - Jacoby 2NT or not?



The N/S pair quickly got to game but perhaps a re-evaluation of point counts in both hand would have gotten them to a slam bid (which they made).


Alert: I will assume that 2NT is Jacoby 2NT Convention, because if it is not, then it is a mystery bid which leaves me clueless. Jacoby 2NT promises 4-card trump support & 13+ points & is forcing to game. 

Note: If it is Jacoby 2NT, then Responder lied about having 4 hearts (NOT a good lie).  

North's initial evaluation of their hand should have been: 17 points (15 HCP + 2 Length) - 3.5 Quick Tricks (2.0 is standard for a full strength opening hand) - 6 Losers (a standard opening hand has 7). So, assuming Responder’s bid is Jacoby 2NT, North has no need to “reevaluate” their hand to be interested in slam. 

Once a game forcing bid has been made, slow advances to game are considered stronger than a fast advance to game. That means the 4H second call by Opener discourages the idea of slam. It says “Partner, I had pretty much a bottom of the line opening bid & have no interest in slam unless you are really loaded.”. Responder subsequently did well to Pass the auction out at 4H. 

A much better second call by Opener would have 3H. That says “Partner, I have extra values here & think we might have slam. What do you think?”. It also tells Responder that Opener has 6 hearts, not just 5. Responder should  now be reasonably certain they belong in slam. 

Over 3H, Responder could next choose to bid 4NT(Blackwood). Standard Blackwood would tell Responder that Opener has the other two Aces. Roman Key Card Blackwood would tell Responder that Opener has three Key Cards. Either way, I would expect Responder to next bid 6H which looks to me like it deserves to make. 

Over 3H, Responder could instead choose to bid 3S which in most partnership agreements would promise first round control of spades. I suspect Opener then subsequently bid Blackwood & go on to slam.


Comment: Instead of 2NT my first call holding the South would have been 1S (promises 4 spades & at least 6 points & is forcing for one round). If Opener was one of my regular partners, I would expect their second bid to be a jump to 3H which promises 6 hearts & extra values. High ho, high ho, its off to slam we go.


Ain’t bridge a great game?

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