Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Weekly Hand Analysis - Glenna Shannahan - April 4, 2022 - 11 Point Hand


Question: Here’s  a hand where communication of point count kept N/S from bidding Slam. N/S Made 6 NT.  How does one bid this for a slam?


This is a great discussion hand because 6 NT makes only because S has 5 ♦️! The contract should be 3 NT as 19 and 11 or 12 are only 30 or 31 points and 6NT usually needs 33 if both hands are flat. But the bidding was unfortunate because it told a totally wrong story of the S hand.

  South should respond 1 ♦️ and not 1NT. 1 NT denies a 4-card suit higher than ♣️ and shows 6 - 10 points and S has 11. After S bids 1 ♦️, N will bid 2 NT showing 18 or 19 and S will bid 3 NT.

  I will repeat myself here and say PLEASE bid 1 ♦️ when you have a hand like this. 11 points is good enough to accept an invitation to game from partner and 1 NT is not. We must strive to show the hand we are holding and not try to be clever, etc. Bidding takes a lot of memory work and a desire to be as accurate as possible. That’s how you know you don’t have a biddable slam. Always be thankful when you make overtricks—they are much more fun than undertricks.

Have a great week,


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