Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Weekly Hand Analysis - Glenna Shannahan - March 21, 2022- Weak or Intermediate Jump Shift


Question:  If you look at E, S, and W each has long suits.  How does one bid to let partner know they have these long suits?


  I think they did pretty well. I would have overcalled 1 ♠️, not 2. My weak jumps show better suits with most points in that suit. E should always bid 3 ♥️ even with the ♠️ fit, because a double fit is a fantastic way of bidding game with fewer points than normally needed. But, now to South: S has a 3 loser hand and must bid 4 ♣️ over 3 ♥️. North would correct to 4 ♦️and S will pass or bid 5.  5 is makable when ♣️ Q falls doubleton.

  Send me more hands like this because I see a need for better understanding of weak or intermediate jump shifts!

Thanks so much,


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