Wednesday, March 9, 2022

Weekly Hand Analysis - Glenna Shannahan - March 14, 2022 - Weak Freak


Question: The “weak freak”, is there a way to communicate the extra values in an unusually long suit?


  A traditional “weak freak” is 5-9 points, 5 trump and a singleton somewhere in the hand! I have to be honest and say I often break the rule of a singleton and half the time we make it and half the time we go down. Think the best policy is for the partnership to discuss how they should bid a hand with 5 trump and play it accordingly.

  The South hand can NOT get excited with their 19 or 20 points as the MOST  North can have is 9 and that only makes 28 so enough for game, but no interest in slam. The books say slam can be bid with 32 and  that’s true for suits as you can ruff losers. I have learned over the years that I need 33 for a NT Slam.

Hope this helps,


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