Wednesday, March 9, 2022

Weekly Hand Analysis - Vic Johnson - March 14, 2022 - Disciplined Weak Two Bids


Question:  Although West bid 2S, North has good spades and a 15 point hand.  South opened.  Does North really need to pass?


An interesting hand & auction. The only player with a decent hand is North & they are the only player not bidding. With the possible exception of East, I would rank all three bids that were made as questionable. 

Anyway, to answer your question:  It depends.  

Are NS playing “disciplined” Weak Two bids? “Disciplined" means that the suit in question is pretty solid which is the agreement I have with my partners. Ideally, that means 2 of top 3 OR 3 of top 5 honors.   

If South’s 6-card diamond suit is solid, North could imagine at least five & possibly 6 tricks in diamonds. Over 2S they could consequently opt to bid 2NT which promises a good hand and a spade stopper. Holding the North hand myself, I would be very tempted to bid 3NT. Turns out that the way the cards are sitting I believe 3NT deserves to make. 

Ain’t bridge a great game?


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