Friday, March 4, 2022

Weekly Hand Analysis - Victor Johnson - March 7, 2022 - 2NT?



E overcalls the opening C bid by N. After W bids 2NT to indicate point count what is the best bid for E to make 3C indicating a C stopper, 3 H  or 3 NT?


Question Back At You:  What system are EW playing? I have never heard of a 2NT bid in that scenario to show point count.  How many points was 2NT supposedly showing?  

Answer to Your Question:  My second call holding the East hand would be 3C. BUT I would expect that call to be interpreted as showing not just a stopper in clubs, but a two-suited hand (hearts & clubs) with the clubs either shorter than or equal in length to the hearts. More often than not that would mean 5-4 or 5-5 distribution. With a two-suited hand, I would not expect East to be “bidding stoppers” in search of a no trump contract. Even if West has the other two suits, EW are likely to have a transportation problems playing no trump. 

Comment: As soon as East overcalls 1H, West knows they have a golden fit in hearts. West's first priority should be to tell East about that golden fit. There are two common ways of doing that, depending on partnership agreement. West could raise partner to 3H. Or West could make a 2C cue bid of opponent’s suit. Both of those options promise 11(+) points. The 2C cue bid has the advantage of letting East bail out at the two level if they have a bottom of the range overcall.

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