Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Weekly Hand Analysis - Vic Johnson - March 21, 2022 - Six and Five Come Alive


Question:  How should this hand been bid?


Disclaimer: If you posed this question to a series of different experienced players, I would be shocked if you did not get a number of different answers. Basic bidding system & partnership agreements, along with personal preferences, style & opinions, would all play a role. Following is how I suspect one of my experienced partners & I might well bid the hand. 

Holding the West hand, I would want to be able to tell partner I have a strong 6-card club suit. I would consequently open 1C, laying the groundwork for me to rebid clubs later. Clubs is also of course the longer of my two suits. Pass by North. Partner would bid 1D, leaving South with no rationale call other than Pass.  

North & South are Passing for the remainder of the auction. 

My second call would be 2S, a jump shift which partner would read as showing a strong two-suited hand with clubs longer than spades. They would also take it as game forcing. You will note that my 12 HCPs do not meet the standards for “strong”. But I would argue that my awesome distribution (“Six & Five Come Alive”) more than compensates for my minimal opening point count. I am hoping for game, possibly even slam, in clubs or spades. 

Partner would bid 3C promising club support & leaving 3NT still open as a possible game bid. It also renders it unnecessary for me to rebid my clubs to tell partner I have six of them. 

My third call would be 4NT (Blackwood Roman Key Card 1430 - clubs is trump). Partner’s subsequent call of 5H promises two of the five Key Cards & denies the club Queen. Knowing I am missing only one Key Card & not being worried about the club Queen (I have it), I would bid 6C to end the auction. 

Looks to me as if EW deserve to make 6C. See if you can figure out how. Ain’t bridge a great game?


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