Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Weekly Hand Analysis - Vic Johnson - February 28, 2022 - Should you pre-empt on an overcall?


Question: S has opened a D, W has 6 S and a void in C, should W bid a weak 2 S or bid 1 S as a overcall?


Question Back At Ya:  If you were Dealer holding the West hand, would you open it 2S? I think if that question was posed to a large cross section of bridge players, it would generate a close to unanimous “Yes”.  

Answer to Your Question: If West has a hand they would open 2S, then 2S is also what they should overcall. Think about it. The primary goal of any auction is to describe your hand to partner. A 2S opening bid or a jump to 2S as overcaller describes your hand perfectly in a single call. Doesn’t get any better than that. 

Vic’s Auction: If West overcalls 2S, now what? Holding the North hand I would be inclined to bid 4C, hoping partner would take it as a weak jump shift, promising 8 clubs + other suit shortness & less than an opening hand. Holding the East hand I would subsequently be inclined to bid 4S based on “The Law” (don’t be afraid to bid up to the level of your total number of trump). Holding the North hand I would subsequently be inclined to bid 5C which looks to me like it deserves to make (one club loser + one heart loser).  

Above Auction (critique): West first call should be 2S not 1S. South rebid of diamonds on their second call promises a six card suit. They do NOT have 6 diamonds. They DO have a spade stopper. South second call should be 2NT (not 3D) to tell partner about the spade stopper.  North does NOT have a NT hand & was correct to continue clubs. Holding the heart Ace & 4 clubs to the Queen, the penalty DBL by East is not unreasonable. Unfortunately for East, partner (overcaller) does not deserve a trick. 

Ain’t bridge a great game?

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