Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Weekly Hand Analysis - Vic Johnson - February 21, 2022 - Cue bid usage


Question:  :  On the second bid, North bids 2H which could be considered a cue bid.  How does one differentiate between a cue bid and a regular bid when there is interference?


In the first sentence, leading to the question, strike the words “could be considered” & replace them with the word “is”. When someone on their first chance to do so bids a suit one of the opponents has bid, it IS a cuebid.  

What does that cue bid mean? It means whatever the partnership has agreed it should mean. The most common agreement for north’s bid of 2H is that it would show a Limit Raise or better of South’s spade suit. Absolutely, I would never expect it to be showing strength in hearts which is apparently what north intended. 

If West had passed, North could show strength in hearts (& deny spade support) by bidding 1NT, although I am not suggesting they should. But West did not pass, which leaves North without a second bid. 

Looks to me like taking 7 tricks in NT is going to be a real crap shoot for either side. 

By the way, if NS are playing Standard American, the opening bid by North should have been 1D not 1C. 

Ain’t bridge a great game?

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