Sunday, April 23, 2023

Weekly Hand Analysis - Glenna Shannahan - May 8, 2023 - Void


West has 20 HCP and a void in S and opens 2C. The question here is whether or not you include the point count for the void when counting points for the opening bid.


  No you do not count points for a void when you open the bidding. If and when you find a fit, you count shortness. So W should open 2 ♣️ and E bids BUT West does NOT Jump!

That wastes a level of bidding so W bids 2 ♥️ and partner bids 2 ♠️. You do not need to jump after showing a great hand—you already said you have a great hand so don’t repeat yourself. Jumps tend to show weakness and going slowly shows a better hand. If you go slowly and show what you have, you would not bid slam off 2 cashing A’s. But, sometimes you get lucky and the opponents don’t cash both of them!


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