Sunday, April 23, 2023

Weekly Hand Analysis - Vic Johnson - May 1, 2023 - Rebid


W has 13 HCP and a flat hand so opens the bidding at 1C, E has 10 pts and bids 1 D. After W bids the Spade, should E have re-bid the D?


My Answer: Rebidding the diamond suit promises SIX of them. So NO East should NOT rebid diamonds. Holding the East hand my rebid would have been 1NT which caps the value of the East hand at 10 HCPs. It also implies East has 2-3 card spade support (not a void or singleton) & a stopper in hearts (courtesy of the fact that a NT contract would put South on lead). My computer program tells me EW deserve to make 2NT.

Comment: A good partnership agreement for less experienced players is that rebidding a suit promises SIX cards - period - regardless of scenario. There are some exceptions to this rule, but they are in specific scenarios that only players with Life Master level skills would normally recognize.

Comment: The 1H Overcall by South was a reckless bid that promises a strong 5-card heart suit. In reality South has a weak 4-card heart suit. My computer program tells me that EW deserve to take 8 tricks in hearts. By bidding hearts, South created the opportunity for E/W to earn a higher score defending a heart contract than EW deserved to earn by winning the auction & playing the hand.

Ain't bridge a great game?

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