Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Weekly Hand Analysis - Rich Nordeng - February 12, 2024 - Bid


Question: Could/Should N/S bid/play this hand in NT instead of Spades?


I think N is too good to bid just 4C over partner’s 2C. I suggest a cue bid of 2D, which normally suggests a strong hand with club support. Over North’s 2D South should bid 2NT if he has a Diamond stopper. When, as here, South has no D stopper, he may bid H or S to show a stopper in the suit bid. Without any stoppers, South rebids 3C. Now North, knowing there is no spade stopper, should bid 5C. South figures to have eleven tricks with as little as 6 good clubs and three small spades. On this hand South also has the D queen and thus makes twelve tricks.

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