Thursday, January 18, 2024

Weekly Hand Analysis - Vic Johnson - February 19, 2024 - Take out Double


Question:  Should W bid Clubs or Hearts after partner's T/O double?


Short Answer #1: I don't know how an expert would answer that question. 

Short Answer #2: If I were holding the West hand, playing with one of my regular partners, I would bid hearts. 

Explanation (Answer #2)

 When partner makes a TO DBL, it is reasonable to expect they have "tolerance" in the unbid suits. Tolerance is a length requirement. Ideal tolerance is at least 4 cards. 

 But in bridge it is often to your advantage to bid on with hands that are less than ideal. Given that reality, partnerships vary widely on their standards for tolerance. My partners & I are much more likely to bend tolerance standards for minor suits than major suits.

 I would consequently be reasonably confident that partner in the above auction had 4+ cards in both hearts & spades. I would be nowhere near as confident they had 4+ clubs. On the other hand, even if they only had 2 clubs we would have a golden fit in that suit.

 Considering that major suits score better than minor suits, I would go with hearts. Whether an expert would criticize me for that or not, I am uncertain.

 My hand analyzer tells me EW deserve to make 5H or 4S or 5C. Their NS opponents deserve to make 2D.

 Ain't bridge a great game?

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