Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Weekly Hand Analysis - Vic Johnson - February 5, 2024 - Slam


Question:  Is there anyway to bid Slam?


Of course. All you have to do is bid six of something.

 I will rephrase the Question: "Is there a good way to explore for slam?"

 One way for East to explore for slam would have been to bid 4NT (Blackwood) on their second chance to call. Assuming EW are playing Standard Blackwood, West should respond 5D (promising only 1 of the 2 Aces East is missing). 

 Missing one Ace + not knowing if West has the spade Queen + plus the red flag warning of their worthless doubleton in diamonds, I would encourage East to subsequently end the auction at 5S.

 I get the impression EW might have made slam. But they did not deserve to. The defenders deserve two diamond tricks. But if the defenders do not lead diamonds, they will not get those two diamond tricks. In fact they will not get any tricks at all.

 It is reasonable to imagine most North will lead the club Queen. That means this hand will probably reward the EW players who bid a slam that deserves to be set.

 Ain't bridge a great game?

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