Thursday, February 8, 2024

Bridge Quiz - February 12, 2024

Situation:  For some reason, your sub-conscious decides you should have a dream about contract bridge.  You are in the Bridge Club of Madison's Todd Drive facility.  In your dream, you are sitting South.  Your partner is sitting North.  Glenna Shannahan is sitting East.  Stan Fuhrmann is sitting West.  Stan and Glenna are Bridge Life Masters and so you begin thinking in your dream that this could be a nightmare.    

Glenna is the dealer.

 You have the following hand:





 You have 13HCPs with one length point and think, “I can open with 1♣. Yeah!”  You are ready to do a happy dance but Glenna looks at you, reads your mind, and bids 1♣ before you can bid your 1♣.  You start sweating because you don’t know what to do.  Stan sees your distress and smiles at you.  You assume he wants to help you but can’t because of bridge rules. What do you do? 

  • 1.     Suggest to  Glenna that Pass is a better bid than 1
  • 2.     Pass and ask to Glenna if you can enroll in her next beginning bridge class
  • 3.     Pass and bid clubs at your next bid
  • 4.     Bid 2
  • 5.     Excuse yourself, go to the bathroom, and hope you wake up from your dream

Ralph's Researched Answer:

One of Vic Johnson's most famous responses to bridge questions is, "It depends."  That response can be supplied to this answer because there is a difference in opinion from many players as to what to do.

The answer depends on what you and your partner agree to or no agree to.  The best place to find what you agree to is something called a Convention Card which you and your partner should have if you play duplicate bridge on BBO or at a club setting.

I think the Convention Card is misnamed.  I think it should be called a Bridge Signal Card.  This card summarizes how you and your partner will generally play a bridge hand. 

For my purpose and probably yours, you will need to look at your Convention Card in the the Direct Cuebid section.

Note the Natural and Michaels notation on the left side.  If the Michaels box(es) are checked then Answer 4 - 2is not correct.  A Michaels cue bid indicates 5 hearts and 5 spades, neither one you have.  If Natural is checked, then 2is valid although you alert your opponents to a Natural Bid in BBO and your partner alerts a Natural Bid when you play duplicate in a club setting. (The red lettering on a Convention Card means an alertable bid.)
The reason a Natural Bid is an alertable bid is because most people interpret a 2bid after a 1bid as a Michaels cuebid. You are not allowed to mislead your opponents in bridge and so you must tell them this bid is a Natural Bid and not a Michaels cuebid.

If the Michaels cuebid boxes are checked then the correct answer to the quiz is 3.  Pass and bid clubs at the next bid.

Information on Michaels Cuebid can be found at

Vic Johnson completed a series of excellent videos on Convention Cards in 2001.  These four videos are:
Regarding the club bid after passing.  See response to c)  in the first section of exercises.

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