Thursday, December 3, 2020

Hand Analysis by Victor Johnson - Monday, December 7, 2020 - Possible Slam


Comment:  Is this hand a possible slam?


There are six cards that experienced players pondering slam in a suit contract are most concerned about. They are the 4 Aces plus the trump King & Queen. The NS pair holds all six of those cards in hearts. If they are playing Roman Key Card Blackwood 1430, they would be able to find out they held all six of those cards. Having found that out I would expect them to bid to 6H. 

Inexperienced players generally have no way to find out about the trump King & Queen. They could find out, however, that they have all four Aces & might also conclude they probably have at least 33 points. Believing that to be true, I would expect them to bid to 6H also. 

This hand deserves to be in 6H. Oddly enough, however, it does not deserve to make 6H. Good defense will hold NS to no more than 11 tricks in a heart contract. The major stroke of bad luck for declarer is the 4-1 trump split for which the odds are 28%. A 3-2 split (68%) would enable declarer to make their 6H contract. 

Following is how I imagine an inexperienced NS pair might advance to slam in hearts. 

West is dealer - EW are passing, 

North:  1H (a Rule of Twenty plus Two opening bid) 

Comment: South has a right to picture north with a 13-21 point hand. South has 19 HCPs in their own hand. It is reasonable for South to believe that north must hold the heart Ace & King plus at least 6 points worth of assorted Queens & Jacks. 

South:  4NT (standard Blackwood) 

North:  5D (one Ace) 

South:  6H 

Comment: Slams are rarely guaranteed. Bridge favors players who are aggressive (not reckless, but aggressive). Anyone too timid to bid slam in this scenario will not often find themselves at the top of the bridge leader board. With respect to the above hand, however, the timid bidders who reach only 4H will make their contract, while the more aggressive bidders will deserve to go down. Ain't bridge a great game?

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