Sunday, December 13, 2020

Weekly Hand Analysis - Glenna Shanahan - December 14, 2020 - Michaels Cue Bid and Information Request

 Request:  Please discuss the 2 spade bid by south.  We did not understand the bid.  Can you also discuss when you can receive an explanation from the opponents?


  I am so glad you asked about this and would like you to consider sharing it with your Monday morning players as they will have this come up in open games!

Stan used a convention called Michaels. He could NOT double because TOD’s promise at least 3-card support for the other 3 suits and 13+ points. So when we can’t double, most of us use a convention that allows us to show 2 5-card or longer suits.

  Michaels:: Shows 5 of the other Major and a 5-card minor. If I wanted to know which minor, I would bid an artificial NT and he would show his minor.

  Unusual 2NT: a 2 suited 5-5 hand: 1 ♥️ , 2NT—shows both minors

                2NT: 1 ♦️ P.  1 ♠️,  2Nt - shows ♥️ and ♣️ 

                       2NT: NEVER shows ♠️ so it’s the other two that was not bid

 Sometimes this bid works and sometimes it helps the declarer more than partner. But, that’s true of almost all conventions.

Any time you want clarification click on the bid in BBO that you don’t understand and the opponent will write an explanation. After you read the explanation, click on it and it will disappear.

  F2F, you’re not suppose to ask until it’s your turn to bid, and then you can ask the opponent—the deal with this that many people don’t understand, ask if it means you might be able to bid. IF you’re not planning to bid, but just wonder what the meaning is, wait until the auction is over and ask about the bids before you lead. If partner is on lead, when he asked if you have questions, say yes. Ask your questions, BUT he cannot change his lead!

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