Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Weekly Hand Analysis - Glenna Shanahan - Monday, December 28, 2020 - Each hand with a long suit


Question:  How should this be bid with each hand having a long suit?


  I didn’t get a copy of your bidding so I’m going to bid as though we all live in a perfect world. I will make side notes to explain some of my bids and hope that helps.

   S.             W.           N.           E

    Pass            1 ♦️             1 ♥️           1 ♠️ * (promises 5+ ♠️ 

   Pass             1NT. *            2 ♥️  *          2 ♠️.   *     1NT promises a ♥️ stopper. 2 ♥️ promises 6+ cards.  *promises 6 ♠️ and still 6-10 its

   Pass.             Pass.           3 ♥️  *         Pass out.     North’s 3 ♥️ shows a good hand with only 4 or 5 losers (normally would show 4, but the 1Nt bid tells  that 
                                                                                                                                                                     West has to have the J ♥️ So, her losers are 2 ♠️. 1 ♥️ and 1 or 2 ♣️ 


Hope this helps

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