Saturday, December 26, 2020

Weekly Hand Analysis - Vic Johnson - December 28, 2020 - Bidding a Hand


West:  Pass 

North:  1C

at least 3 clubs & 13-21 points 

East:  1D

5+ diamonds & at least 8 points 

South:  Pass

implies less than 6 points 

West:  1H

4+ hearts & at least 6 points 

North:  2C

6+ clubs & towards the lower end of their opening point count range 

East:  2D

6+ diamonds & solid opening hand or better (denies 4 hearts) 

South:  3C

a competitive bid promising club support (probably at least three) 

West:  3D

a competitive bid promising diamond support (probably at least three) 

Pass - Pass - Pass 

Note:  NS deserves to make 2C (they can also make 2S) - EW deserves to make 4D (they can also make 2NT)

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