Friday, December 18, 2020

Weekly Hand Analysis - Glenna Shanahan - December 21, 2020 - Jacoby Transfer



Is this the proper way to refuse a  transfer?  Or should it have started with 3H to avoid the thought of a Jacoby transfer?


This Is an interesting hand from several points. 1st, I never open a 5-card ♠️ suit 1NT. I open a bad ♥️ suit (J9753) 1NT. Both those are based on the fact that we have rebid problems! But with 1 point for the 5th ♠️, you have 18 pts and are too good to open 1NT. You should open 1 ♠️!

  Now about transfers—you NEVER. NEVER decide that you can NOT accept the transfer if you have agreed to play them. You will loose all your partners if you don’t accept them!!!! But partner should bid ♦️ if he’s trying to transfer to ♥️ Remember when you open 1NT, and partner bids a red suit—that is a transfer and you accept without thought!!

  Another point: There is no jump Transfers in bridge. 2-level is a transfer. 3 ♥️ by partner would show 6+ hands and a hand that want to be in slam. Opener can make a super accept, but responder cannot make a jump invitation—super important to remember.

There are a lot of important points in this hand. So, please read this a couple of times to make sure you have the facts!

Have a great week.


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