Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Vic Johnson - Convention Cards - September 13, 2021


Convention Cards

  1. History of the convention card.  When did they come into use?  Does each partnership need one?
  2. Reasons you need a convention card 
  3. Example convention card - Click Here
  4. Example convention card breakdown by sections

     5.  No Trump Opening Bids
 6. Major Opening
  7.  Minor Opening
  8.  2 Level Calls
 9. Doubles
10. Simple Overcalls
11. No Trump Overcalls
 12. Jump Overcall
13. Opening Preempts
14. Direct Cuebid
 15. Slam Conventions
 16. Defense vs No Trump
17. Over Opponents takeout double
18. A double versus Opening Preempts
19. Leads
20. Defensive Carding
21. Special Carding

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