Friday, September 3, 2021

Weekly Hand Analysis - Glenna Shannahan - September 6, 2021 - Passing with 18 HCP?


Question: Player is sitting in second seat with a good hand. In this case opponents wind up going down. Is  there a better alternative?


  This a very common problem when we all start competing more often with overcalls and takeout doubles. My advice when  holding a great hand would be: Count your losers and winner and if you can’t count enough tricks, PASS.

  If your 1st thought was NT, count your tricks and start with the idea that the Q ♥️ may or may not be a trick and even if it holds up,  they would get 4 ♥️ tricks, 1 ♠️ and 1 ♣️. You cannot make 2NT.

  Next should you double, partner is a passed hand and both opponents are bidding—W has 6 or less points. Do not make a reopening double.              

Last should we rebid a 5-card minor? usually not especially at the 3-level. If you bid 3 ♦️, you loose 1 ♠️, 2 ♥️, 1 ♦️ and 1 ♣️.

  It’s really difficult to say Pass with 18+ points, but you don’t have a bid. Pass and hope that you have enough to beat the contract and just accept whatever plus score you receive. Competitive bidding makes the game very challenging.

Good luck,


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