Friday, September 3, 2021

Weekly Hand Analysis - Vic Johnson - September 6, 2021- When should you go to No Trump?


Question: When do you switch the bid to NT? What are the considerations for going from a minor to NT?  I remember the Vic Johnson quote: “there are only three suits in bridge: hearts, spades and no trump”.


I feel compelled to first point out that two of the three bids in this auction are lies. The 2C bid by West promises at least a 5-card club suit. The 2D bid by East promises at least a 6-card diamond suit.  

The final Pass by West is also unfortunate. My third call holding the West hand (trusting partner to have at least  six diamonds) would have been 3NT. Whether that contract makes or not is a function of how skillfully Declarer & Opponents play their hands. Had I thought partner held only five diamonds my third call would have been 2NT which also may or may not make. 

NEVER PLAY IN A MINOR SUIT IF YOU THINK YOU CAN PLAY IN NO TRUMP. Why newer players find this such a difficult concept to buy into I have no idea. 

Following is the auction I would have expected (NS are passing): 

East:  1D (at least a standard opening hand - denies a 5-card major)  

 West:  2NT (11-12 HCPs - balanced - denies a 4-card major) 

East:  PASS (8 losers - two Quacks - poor spot cards)



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