Saturday, September 25, 2021

Weekly Hand Analysis - Vic Johnson - September 27, 2021 - Underestimating Hands

 Comment:  I think declarer and responder underestimated their hands.


Yes, jumping to 2S on their second call is exactly what Declarer should do. A jump to 2S shows a spade suit that is shorter than their club suit (probably 5-4). If it was longer or the same length as their club suit, they should have bid spades first. It also promises in excess of 17 HCPs.

Given that Declarer did not jump to show the stronger hand, I think Responder did well to bid 4S. With their pretty worthless doubleton in clubs & their lack of any high honors in spades, Responder has no particular reason to encourage exploration for slam. Nor does Declarer have any way to go forward over 4S that will tell them what they need to know to get them to slam.

If Declarer did jump to 2S, there is a decent chance that an experienced pair would find their way to slam. I think it is unlikely that an inexperienced pair would find their way to slam even then.

By the way, South missed a great chance to overcall 2H (weak) on their first chance to bid. If you were South & ended up playing defense with partner on lead, would you like them to lead hearts? Of course you would, So tell them that by bidding 2H. The 2H call also uses up bidding space which will mess with the opponents auction.

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