Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Weekly Hand Analysis - Vic Johnson - September 13, 2021- Opening with 2 Clubs


Question: Declarer meant to bid 2 NT instead of 2 S in response to the holding bid of 2 D. If this bid would have been made, responder would have passed leaving the bid at 2 NT. In response to the 2 S bid however, responder raised to 4 S based on 4 HCP and holding of 4 S.


When partner opens 2C, I read them for 22+ HCPs. My first call holding the South hand would be 2D as shown in the auction. The second call by North of 2S (shown in the auction) promises a 5+ card spade suit. My second call holding the South hand would be 4S once again as shown in the auction. The second call of 4S would be a drop dead bid.  With spade support & a stronger hand that suggests slam might be possible, the second call by Responder should be 3S.  

The 4S bid is certainly aggressive, but I do not believe reckless, given that Responder imagines at least a nine card spade fit. As a general rule, aggressive promotes winning bridge. Timid does not, nor does reckless. 

In reality north does not have 5 spades & I do not believe the 4S contract deserves to make. With a nine card spade fit it is reasonable to expect a 4S contract would be makable. 

The correct second call by North would be 2NT, promising a balanced hand & 22-24 HCPs. My second call holding the South hand in this case would be 3NT, hoping for a fit in either spades or diamonds. A probable opening lead by East defending against 3NT would be the Club Two, giving declarer nine tricks off the top (contract made).

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