Saturday, September 25, 2021

Weekly Hand Analysis - Glenna Shannahan - September 27, 2021 - 5-4 and 4-4 Hands


Comment:  I think this hand shows under-valuation by both declarer and responder. HCP total 28 but it easily makes 6 S. Should declarer bid a jump-shift to 2S instead of 1S over the 1D bid by responder?

  I am going to give you the bidding as it should have gone and then explain why.




  The main method we have for showing our shape is by bidding our suits in a very standard order. When we have 4-card suits, we bid UP the line.

When we have 5-card suits, we bid down the line

  When we have 5-card suits, we open the higher suit, overcall the higher suit, etc. You hold: ️ T9742  ️ AKDT9. ️ 64  ️ 8. You are dealer and must open 1 ️ and partner bids whatever, you bid 2 ️. He bids 2NT and you must bid 3 ️ showing  a 5-5 hand. IF you had a 5-4 hand, you would bid 3NT!!! Please reread this until it makes sense.

   If you are 4-4, partner opens 1   and you bid 1 ️ and then partner bids 1 ️ and you will bid 2 ️! You went UP the ladder so you have a  4-4 hand. If partner opens 1 ️ and you bid 1 ️ and he bids 1 NT, you bid 2 ️ showing 5 ️ and 4 ️.

  Two super important points: 4 ️ is NOT a shut out—ii shows 19-21 points. (Only  3 NT is a shut off bid). Partner has what we call “3 dead ️" so he cannot bid slam.

  2nd important point: East was showing a ️ control and interested in slam. Slams are difficult to bid so don’t be too disappointed in yourself that you didn’t bid the slam.

 If you are still confused by 5-4 and 5-5 hands, let me know and I can make up more hands until it becomes clear!

Have fun at the tables,


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