Friday, October 29, 2021

Hand Analysis - Glenna Shannahan - November 1, 2021 - 1NT or a take out double (TOX)


Question:   Should W double instead of bidding 1 NT? Result as played was 3 NT W, down 3.


The 1 NT bid was the correct call—Shows 15-18 and a stopper in the opponents suit! You cannot make a take out double (TOX) if you do NOT have at least 3 cards in the unbid suits!!

That is so important to know for competitive bidding.

  East does NOT have enough points to bid (needs 9 and have only 5) so will pass. S should pass as they’ve shown their opening hand and their partner should lead a ♦️. E’s J9 is “pickled” meaning if 9 is played south will play the T and if E plays the J, S will play the Q. When partner opens the bidding, you need 6 to answer, 11 poinrs to go to the 2-level and 11 or 12 to make a limit raise. Just remember these numbers and you will see better results.

Thanks and hope to see you at the tables,



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