Saturday, October 9, 2021

Weekly Hand Analysis - Vic Johnson - October 11, 2021 - 3 Clubs or 3 NT?

Question: I know your mantra is to avoid the minors and play No Trump but this was a hand that went south pretty early with the robots gorging themselves on diamonds.  We went down 3.  I think we should have been better playing in clubs.


Bad Bid by North. 

Second bid by South of 2C promises at least 6 clubs & a standard opening point count. It also denies 4 hearts. This description is accurate on all counts. South has now finished describing their hand which makes North the Captain of the auction. South should not bid again unless North encourages them to do so. 

Holding only 10 HCPs, a reasonable decision by North would be that there are not enough points for game. With no sure stopper in either hearts or spades, it would also be reasonable for North to accept the distasteful conclusion that this hand would best be played in a minor suit (club) contract at the lowest available level. Having reached the above conclusion, North should Pass 2C.

Should East decide at this point to overcall & turn it into a competitive auction (a good defensive bidding strategy), I would encourage North to feel free to subsequently compete in Clubs to the four level if need be. 

Bad Bid by South 

The raise by North to 3C is encouraging to game, overselling the strength of their hand. The Captain Hat has now been passed to South. Given the encouragement by North, if South had stoppers in both spades & diamonds, their 3NT bid would certainly be appropriate. South does NOT, however have a diamond stopper, nor are they strong enough to imagine game in clubs which requires 11 tricks. I would encourage South to also knuckle under to the harsh reality of playing in a minor suit & set the contract by Passing 3C. 

Note (BUT)

 The second bid by South of 2C strongly suggests to North the very real possibility of six tricks in clubs. That should make the thought of a NT contract very appealing. South did open the auction & they do not have the club King or the diamond Ace. Surely they must have some points in hearts and/or spades. 

 Holding the North hand, I would be very tempted to bid 2NT on my second call (rather than Pass 2C), even with only 10 HCPs. A 2NT bid by North is not encouraging & South should Pass. East would now have the opening lead & would probably lead the spade four (longest suit - 4th highest). That would allow declarer to set up the Club suit, making 2NT.

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