Thursday, October 14, 2021

Weekly Hand Analysis - Vic Johnson - October 18, 2020 -Describe a hand first

 Question:   Should North and South stick with minor suits or try to get a game in spades with a distribution like this?

[Editor's Note:  One round has been played on this hand and that is why you are only seeing 12 cards.]


General Comment: In any auction neither partner should ever be “trying” to get anywhere. They should simply focus 100% on describing their hand to partner & see where that takes them. This probably sounds like a "word police” issue to you, but I assure you it is not. Having a preconceived notion of the contract  you want to “try” to reach is a recipe for disaster. 

General Comment: If in the process of describing your hands to each other you discover you have a golden fit in both a minor suit & a major suit, your first choice should normally be to play in the major suit. Major suits score better & also require one less trick to earn the game bonus. The one exception to this rule would be if you have reason to believe you can make slam in the minor suit, but not in the major suit. The same would be true if you decide you have the option to play in either a minor suit or in no trump. No trump scores better & requires two less tricks to earn the game bonus. The only reason to choose to play in the minor suit would  be if you have reason to believe you can make slam in the minor suit, but not in no trump.

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