Sunday, October 10, 2021

Weekly Hand Analysis - Glenna Shannahan - October 11, 2021 - A 4 bid

Question:  Here’s a hand  that certainly has slam potential. Should declarer have opened 1H and then increased bid when responder supports the Hearts?


 Another great hand. We need to start by explaining an opening 4-bid. A 4-bid opening shows at MOST a very bad opening hand—11 or 12 points and it is called a preemptive bid. Preemptive in that you think the opponents are cold for a game somewhere so you open 4 to prevent that. It also shows an 8-card suit whether it’s a minor or a Major.

  The current hand is beautiful. It should be opened 1 ♥️ and game will be found and some will find slam. Responder has the obligation to get the partnership to game and he has a couple of choices. If he knows Splinter Bids, he should bid 4 ♣️ and that may prompt opener to look for slam. The splinter shows an opening hand with 4-card support and a singleton in the suit he bid at the 4-level.  Opener can bid 4 ♥️ or his cheapest Ace with a good hand. 

  If the partnership does not play splinter bids, responder should make sure to get them to game. Start with making a forcing bid and then if necessary, bid 4.

  By the way, with a 9-card minor you should still open only 4—opponents have trouble doubling at the 4-level, but the 5-level is pretty easy!

See You At The Tables,


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