Friday, October 1, 2021

Weekly Hand Analysis - Glenna Shannahan - October 4, 2021- Bidding Progression to Go to Slam


Question: Bidding progression to get to slam. Should responder just jump to 6 NT when point count indicates slam potential?


The answer to this hand is rather complicated and I wish we had an opportunity for me to host a 2-hour class on how we handle 5-4 hands when partner opens 1 or 2 NT.  If responder’s hand is extremely weak, he would transfer to the 5-card suit and pass.

  When he has an invitational or game going hand, he must use Stayman. This gives him a picture of his partner’s hand and he immediately knows if they can play 4 ♠️ , 4 ♥️,  Major suit slam  or some number of NT.

  On this particular hand, North would bid ♠️  and South could bid 5 ♠️ saying I don’t have an A to show, but I have enough points that we are in Slam range.  If South should transfer by bidding 3 ♥️ and North should jump to 4 ♠️.  When partner asks if you have 3 ♠️ and you have 4 and a maximum, you MUST jump to game, Now South knows N has 4 ♠️ and 21 points and South can bid 5 ♠️.  

  This hand only makes slam because of the ♦️ suit and very few people would find the slam. The main point of this hand is to learn when to transfer and when to use Stayman. Hope this explanation raises questions and maybe a thought of playing this way. It will get you better results.

See You At The Tables,



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