Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Weekly Hand Analysis - Mark Olsky - November 14, 2022 - Hand Evaluation



E opens 1D and W responds 1H with 7HCP and 6H. E bids 2S over N’s 2C overcall. The question now becomes a bid from W – in this case the bid was 3D which went down 3. Should W have revalued her hand based on shape? Would this hand have made 3H?


The East hand is not quite strong enough to bid 2 spades in this auction. Even if, as some intermediate players do, they do not use Reverses as most advanced players do, (i.e. guarantees 16+ solid points and is highly invitational to game) you are forcing to the 3 level opposite a partner who could have  6 points and only 4 hearts.

 This hand illustrates the value of playing Support Doubles. That shows 3 card support for partner's 1 H or 1S  initial response. It has the added benefit of clarifying whether you have 3 or 4 card support. 

Before the introduction of Support Doubles, or for players who haven't yet adopted that convention, this is a classic raise to 2 hearts after the 2 club overcall. That wouldn't guarantee 4 card support, so it's a bit ambiguous, but the best option. It has the added benefit of placing the contract in the West, where the hand isn't at risk from an immediate club lead. 2 hearts doesn't promise extra strength and allows the hand to be played at the 2 level. At worst, it's a 7 card fit, but in this case it's 9. N-S can make 3 clubs as the cards lie so even if 3 hearts goes down 1 (un- doubled) it's better than minus 110. What's more, if S raises clubs after E bids 2 H. N might lead the Ace of clubs and then 3 hearts makes. If S doesn't raise, W might buy it for 2 H. Passive defense will hold 2 H to 8 tricks as the cards lie. 

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