Friday, November 4, 2022

Weekly Hand Analysis - Vic Johnson - November 7, 2022 - Response



This hand came straight from the land of mis-fit toys and is put forth as something to be discussed. W has opened 1D and E responds with a Spade bid. W bids a H and E rebids S to indicate length. Even though W is missing a stopper in C, makes a bid of 2 NT. Should E have bid 3S ? Based on the bids, E has perceived stoppers in all 4 suits and passes 2 NT. The hand goes down 1 in NT. Any suggestions?


No, in my opinion East should not have bid 3S. They are too weak to push the auction to the three level.  

It is also my opinion that West should not have bid 2NT. 

Common advice when you discover a misfit is to stop bidding at the lowest level it is rationale to do so. Over 2S, West should Pass. 

Playing in 2NT, I believe EW deserved to be down more than one trick. Looks to me, however, like 2S deserves to make. 

Ain't bridge a great game? 

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